

  I am enjoying Kaplan's stay with us so far.  He is doing very good on his house manners.  I can see the maturity starting to set in with him, but he still has plenty of things to work on.  He is the only dog at home, so we are still working on the idea he doesn't have bug Provo constantly.  I have noticed though that it is harder for the pups to ignore Provo after they are allowed to play with him outside.  Which is also the case for poor Kaplan, but he is slowly learning, we only play outside.


We haven't had a very exciting week so not to many outings so far.  We did take him to church with us on Sunday morning.  I ended up teaching Sunday School at the last minute, so that was interesting having a pup with me for that, but he did ok.
   Then today I took the kids out to the library for story hour, so Kaplan got to go along too.

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