
Roland's First Day

  Well, Roland's first day was very exciting.  After riding the puppy truck from CA over several days time & dropping off other puppies along the way, the truck finally made it to CO.  14 puppies were delivered, one of which is my wonderful little pup Roland!  I have to say, it is a pretty good "R" name.

  Roland is an adorable 9 week old male yellow Lab/Golden cross.  His sire is Mack & his dam is Toffee.  One other littermate was dropped off in CO, Reagan.  He also has brothers Rembrandt & Rookie, along with sister Remmy.  Not sure if there are more in the litter or not.
Roland on the left, Reagan on the right

  After all the excitement of the puppy truck, we had a short meeting with the CFR about puppy handling & what training to start our puppies with.

  Then we headed up to visit a friend of mine, who also happens to have my 3rd pup I raised.  Fletcher is a retired guide dog, but still living life with his partner. Roland barked the first 20 minutes up, which was interesting.  It was nice to get puppy #3 & puppy #5 together.  Fletcher wasn't real impressed with him, but that's ok.  Fletcher is 10 1/2 & would rather be left alone, then bothered by a little puppy.

Provo wasn't to sure what to think of the new puppy & has kind of been avoiding him so far.  I'm sure in time they will make friends though.

Roland was amazing his first night!  He went to bed around 10:30pm & slept all the way till 6am!  When he woke up this morning he didn't even ask to go out, just started chewing on his toy.  He is a really good pup & I can't wait to see him grow.

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